Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Photo Restore

Here is a photo restoration I did for one of the ladies I work with. you
can see how beat up this picture was with marker, scratches, and discoloring. I think the finished product came out great ! Lots of use with the clone stamp and the spot healing brush.

Random Park Pictures

Here are some cool pictures that I took at a park in Farmington Hills, MI. I think spring is finally here !!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Random Shots ... Nikon D3000

Here are some more examples of pictures I have taken. The top photo of the initials "RJ" was done my night scripting. You can accomplish this task by putting the shutter speed to a very low percent, meaning the shutter stays open longer. The light is then held in and exposed at the end after the shutter closes. If you look closely you can actually see my phone.

Closeup Flower Pictures Nikon D3000

Here are some great close up pictures I took with the Nikon D3000. The quality of the color and detail is Excellent !

My New Camera

Hey everyone ! I just wanted to put the word out that I just won a Nikon D3000 SLR camera through a photo competition. This thing is great ! It includes a Guide menu to help assist with shots you want to take, 11 AF (auto focus) points with 3D tracking, image sensor cleaning and 3 frames per second continuous shooting. I highly recommend this camera to anyone out there looking for their first SLR camera. Its not too expensive and takes some really great shots with its 10.2 Mega pixel.... See above for some of the pictures I have taken with the camera.