Monday, August 23, 2010

WWII Keepsake

Here is a World War II keepsake I made for one of the volunteers at work. The Picture was the one I redid that I posted last week (below). What I wanted to do was take the writing on the back of the original picture, which you can see in my HDR Toning post, and include that on the front. It is such a cool story about the two brothers meeting, I just had to do something with it. So after doing the HDR toning, I was able to out together a shorter version of the story in a quick newspaper clipping look. The whole story was to hard to read and had some words missing because the picture had been torn on one of the ends.But I was able to bring out the main scene, what was happening, where, and who they were. I think it came out really good ! 
Original Photo Taken (c) Us Army Signal Corps 

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