Saturday, August 14, 2010

Just recently I was asked to do a photo restoration of two brothers meeting towards the end of WWII. They had not seen each other in along time, and all 4 brothers were in the war. This image is a scan of the back of the picture which tells the story of where they are meeting, and what devision they belonged. The lower Image  is the original image I worked with. You can clearly see that the wording of the story was worn away after many years, so in order to bring out the lettering, I used HDR toning on Photoshop CS5 to bring it out and read it more clearly. I highly suggest using HDR toning if there is anything you cant read, but want to. The Photo restoration picture is coming soon. This picture was taken, and the story was typed by the U.S. Army Signal Corps. (Click on image to see more closeup)

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